电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
FE 103-99澳标可燃性材料防火测试要求
作者:admin    发布于:2019-03-22 09:13:40    文字:【】【】【
摘要:FE 103-99 用于建设和轨道车辆可燃性材料的要求。南京睿督公司提供澳洲NATA资质的AS1530.3, FE103-99防火测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

FE 103-99, Specification for Flammability requirements for materials used in the construction and fitting out of passenger rolling stock

FE 103-99 用于建设和轨道车辆可燃性材料的要求。南京睿督公司提供澳洲NATA资质的AS1530.3, FE103-99防火测试,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

SMART Product Testing can offer flammability testing that meets the requirements of this standard. The laboratory is NATA accredited for these tests and a summary of the tests based on product and end use application is outlined below: 

Wall, Ceiling and Door Panels 

These are covered by Section 3-which specifies AS/NZS 1530.3, Simultaneous Determination of Ignitability, Flame Propagation, Heat Release and Smoke Release. 


Structural floors are covered by Section 3 calling up the AS/NZS 1530.3. 

Floor Coverings need to be tested according to AS/NZS 1530.3 and also Standard Methods of Testing of Coated Fabrics which is derived from the since withdrawn standard AS 1441.13 Flammability of Coated Fabrics. 


Seating bases, cushions and upholstery trims are covered by Sections 2, 3 and 4 with special emphasis on the final acceptance test that must be performed as a full seat assembly. Special requirements are given to textiles to which a fire retardant has been applied. This includes the capability to withstand dry cleaning and washing. A certificate detailing the number of cleaning cycles that applied fire retardants can endure. 


AS3837测试 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/other/3434.html     
澳洲NATA资质 http://www.fire-test.com/laboratory/6603.html     
澳标AS 1530.1 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/other/7238.html 
澳标AS 1530.3 http://www.fire-test.com/teststandard/other/7206.html 

南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-8658 3475   400-603-6575


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