电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
Core Calorimetry testing-ISO 5660-1燃烧热释放速率测试
作者:admin    发布于:2019-12-20 10:23:17    文字:【】【】【
摘要:Reaction-to-fire testing analyzes how a material or product responds to a controlled fire challenge. Measurements can include how fast the material ignites, how much and how quickly heat is emitted, how much mass is lost, and how much smoke is produced.ISO5660-1锥形量热试验是目前评估材料对火反应最先进的方法。测试按照物质燃烧的耗氧原理即被测物质与氧完全燃烧时消耗单位质量氧所产生的热量。咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

Reaction-to-fire testing analyzes how a material or product responds to a controlled fire challenge. Measurements can include how fast the material ignites, how much and how quickly heat is emitted, how much mass is lost, and how much smoke is produced.

The rate of heat release is considered to be a significant predictor of a potential fire hazard, and the cone calorimeter is a valuable bench-scale instrument in fire testing to quantitatively evaluate the relative risk that different materials pose.

Due to the relatively small specimen sizes used for the test, the cone calorimeter test is a cost-effective way to research the fire performance of products while still in the developmental stage, for assessing material compliance to established performance requirements, as on-going quality control, or even to generate data for litigation purposes.

Additional advantages to cone calorimeter testing are the ability to measure smoke production, which can play an important role in material selection for critical applications.


ISO 5660-1 Reaction to fire tests-Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate-Part 1: Heat release rate (cone calorimeter method)
ISO 5660-1对火反应试验—热释放、产烟量及质量损失率,第1部分:热释放速率(锥形量热仪法)

ISO 5660-1标准概述


该方法是按照国际标准ISO 5660-1进行测定的。 



1 可燃性;
2 火焰传播;
3 产烟量;
4 烟雾毒性;

南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:400-603-6575   025-8658 3475

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