电话:025-8658 3475
传真:025-8658 3457
EN 1606-2013压缩蠕变试验/EN 826压缩性能测定
作者:admin    发布于:2020-07-29 09:09:28    文字:【】【】【
摘要:压缩性能测试标准-EN 1606/EN 826,EN 1606-2013建筑用隔热产品-压缩蠕变的测定,EN 1606-2013建筑用隔热产品-压缩性能测定,咨询电话:025-8658 3475。

压缩性能测试标准-EN 1606/EN 826
EN 1606-2013 Thermal insulating product for building applications-Determination of compressive creep
EN 1606-2013建筑用隔热产品-压缩蠕变的测定
EN 826-2013 Thermal insulating product for building applications-Determination of compression behaviour
EN 1606-2013建筑用隔热产品-压缩性能测定

EN 826-2013 Thermal insulating product for building applications-Determination of compression behaviour
Compressive creep is tested by the method described in EN 1606 Thermal insulating products for building applications – determination of compressive creep. It requires a testing period from 122 days to 608 days, depending on the period of years being simulated – 10, 25 or 50 years. The loads applied to the tested samples are typically a percentage of the load determined in the EN 826 test.

EN 1606/EN 826相关标准
EN 822 Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of length and width
EN 823 Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of thickness
EN 824 Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of squareness
EN 825 Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of flatness
EN 826 Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of compression behaviour

EN 1602, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of the apparent density
EN 1603, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of dimensional stability under constant normal laboratory conditions (23 °C/50 % relative humidity)
EN 1604, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of dimensional stability under specified temperature and humidity conditions
EN 1605, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of deformation under specified compressive load and temperature conditions
EN 1606, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of compressive creep

EN 1607, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of tensile strength perpendicular to faces
EN 1608, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of tensile strength parallel to faces
EN 1609, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of short-term water absorption by partial immersion
EN 12085, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of linear dimensions of test specimens
EN 12086, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of water vapour transmission properties

EN 12087, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of long-term water absorption by immersion
EN 12088, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of long-term water absorption by diffusion
EN 12089, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of bending behaviour
EN 12090, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of shear behaviour
EN 12091, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of freeze-thaw resistance

EN 12429, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Conditioning to moisture equilibrium under specified temperature and humidity conditions
EN 12430, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of behaviour under point load
EN 12431, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of thickness for floating floor insulating products
EN 13793, Thermal insulating products for building applications — Determination of behaviour under cyclic loading
EN 13820, Thermal insulating materials for building applications — Determination of organic content

南京睿督公司咨询电话:400-603-6575   025-8658 3475

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