电话:025-8658 3475
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ASTM D378橡胶传送带测试
作者:admin    发布于:2021-10-28 09:06:58    文字:【】【】【
摘要:ASTM D378-2010 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法,ASTM D378-2010 第13条款皮带火焰测试 Flame Tests for Belting,南京睿督公司免费咨询电话:025-86583475

ASTM D378-2010 Standard Test Methods for Rubber(Elastonmeric) Conveyor Belting, Flat Type
ASTM D378-2010 平型橡胶传送带的测试方法

ASTM D378-2010 第13条款皮带火焰测试 Flame Tests for Belting

13. Flame Tests for Belting 第13条款皮带火焰测试
13.1 Flame Test for Underground Belting:
13.1.1 This procedure is used to measure and describe theproperties of conveyor belting in response to flame undercontrolled laboratory conditions and should not be used for thedescription or appraisal of the fire hazard of materials, prod-ucts, or systems under actual fire conditions(see 30 CFR 14).This test applies to RMA-FR Class I belt(see RMA IP-1)
13.1.2 The following test method shall be used to measurefame propagation under a standard set of laboratory conditionsand shall not be construed as indicating what will happen underactual fire conditions. Under some fire conditions, the belting

橡胶输送带有耐热带、耐磨带、耐灼烧带、耐油带、耐碱带、耐碱带、耐热带、耐寒带等特性。 主要用于各矿山、冶金、钢铁、煤炭、水电、建材、化工、粮食等企业的固体物料输送。

更多ASTM D378橡胶传送带测试,请咨询南京睿督公司
全国免费咨询电话: 400-603-6575 025-8658 3475
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邮箱: info@fire-test.com


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