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NF P92-503: M classification(French Standard)
作者:admin    发布于:2021-12-30 09:41:52    文字:【】【】【
摘要:NF P92-503 Fire test to Building materials M classification (M1/M2/M3/M4), NF P 92-503 Electrical burner test used for flexible materials thickness no more than 5mm, Tel : (+86) 25 8658 3475

1. NF P92-503 Fire test to Building materials M classification - Standard
NF P 92-503: Electrical burner test used for flexible materials thickness no more than 5mm

2. NF P92-503 Fire test to Building materials M classification - Test Method
A specimen in placed in a specimen holder at 30° above a radiator which gives out heat (30kW/m2). A small butane flame is applied directly to the fabric surface.  The following aspects are recorded: 
- duration of the flame
- production of burning droplets
- length/width of the damaged specimen

If specific, unusual, specimen behaviour is observed additional supplementary tests NF P 92-504 & NF P 92-505) may be required.

3. M Classification: M0-M4(M0、M1、M2、M3、M4)
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4. NF P92-503 Fire test to Building materials M classification - Similar Standard
NF P92-501: Building materials- Reaction to fire tests, radiation test used for rigid material or flexible materials thickness more than 5mm.
NF P92-503: Electrical burner test used for flexible materials thickness no more than 5mm
NF P92-504: speed of spread of flame test used for the materials which are not intended to be glued on a rigid substrate
NF P92-505: Dripping test with electrical radiator, used for melting materials
NF P92-506: Fire safety, Building materials, Reaction for fire tests, Radiant panel test for flooring
NF P92-507: Fire safety, Building materials, Construction and furnishing materials –Classification according to reaction to fire.

Nanjing SMART 
Tel : (+86) 25 8658 3475   (+86) 400 6575
web :  www.fire-test.com   www.fire-test.cn
Email : info@fire-test.com
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