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FM 4930冷却塔认证标准/FM Approvals FM Class 4930
作者:admin    发布于:2022-02-10 09:35:02    文字:【】【】【
摘要:FM 4930标准阐述了冷却塔组件的认证要求。FM 4930符合本标准要求的冷却塔或冷却塔组件不需要自动洒水喷头的保护。FM 4930认证依据可以包括但不限于火、风、冰、雪和地震性能要求、标准要求、工厂审查、质量保证程序审核以及跟进计划。FM 4930冷却塔认证标准咨询,请咨询南京睿督025-86583475

FM 4930标准阐述了冷却塔组件的认证要求。FM 4930符合本标准要求的冷却塔或冷却塔组件不需要自动洒水喷头的保护。FM 4930认证依据可以包括但不限于火、风、冰、雪和地震性能要求、标准要求、工厂审查、质量保证程序审核以及跟进计划。FM 4930冷却塔认证标准咨询,请咨询南京睿督025-86583475

FM 4930.jpg

The purpose of FM Approvals Standard for Cooling Towers, Class FM4930, is to state the requirements for cooling towers that do not need automatic sprinkler protection. When going through the Approval process one of the key steps is to build a full-sized representative tower cell that contains the specific configuration of various components, including, but not limited to, structural members, wall panels, decking material, fans, louvers, fill, and drift eliminators that are to be Approved which will then be evaluated to “demonstrate its ability to withstand damage from a fire exposure and retain operational integrity and not impose a fire hazard to adjacent structures or surroundings.” The test procedure involves lighting a specified amount of heptane and then witnessing the burning characteristics of the tower with its specific configuration of all the components. Approval is based upon the amount of damage, loss of operational capability, structural integrity of the tower cell and fan support, and containment of the fire.

It must be noted that FM Approvals does not approve individual components for use in cooling towers. Approval is only extended to the entire cooling tower system as it was tested and the components contained within it as a complete system. Thus, while the FM Approvals Guide lists various components that constitute FM Approved towers, those components are only considered to be FM Approved, “for use when installed in the prefabricated factory assembled units as described.” As an example, if ABC Cooling Tower Company builds tower model# CT100 which contains FILL123, and model# CT100 receives FM Approval, FILL123 cannot be installed into model# CT999 to make CT999 an FM Approved tower. It also does not mean that model# CT999 utilizes “FM Approved Fill” since that is a misapplication of the FM Approved Components listing.

FM 4930冷却塔测试认证,请咨询南京睿督公司
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